Monday, July 2, 2012

Advance Placenta-care Formula by Psalmstre

Not all placenta soaps are created equal 

Our choices and preferences are shaped by many different factors. Some of us are easily swayed by advertising promises while others are influenced by packaging, pricing and discounts. Some are persuaded by testimonials and recommendations of people they know and trust. In most cases, a customer preference is strengthened by own personal brand experience.

Why the different brand choices? 

BECAUSE not all brands have the same features and benefits to suit the different desires and expectations of customers. Knowing the most advantages from a certain brand is decisive in choosing the best product for you. In cases with placenta soap brands, it is easy to be manipulated with terms such as ‘anti-aging’ and ‘skin whitening’. What most fail to dig is the right amount and type of placenta extract, the combination with other natural active ingredients, issues on product effectiveness and safety, and affordability.

Justifying these parameters is based on feedbacks from consumers. Psalmstre, the maker of Placenta Herbal Beauty Soap has a nationwide operation with distribution presence in several countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, US mainland and Hawaii, Mexico, New Zealand and the region of the Middle East and North Africa. From its own Customer Feedback and Management System, Psalmstre has mastered the knack of Listening, Seeing, and knowing their customers. This has given them the edge in designing a sound marketing approach and effective commission of regular Research & Product Development to successfully meet the expectations of their customers.

From this inspiration comes the latest breakthrough with Psalmstre’s All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula. Using bio-placenta extract from plants, proven to be richer in nutrients as compared to other placenta sources, the extract containsfive (5) essential growth factors, vitamins and amino acids to provide synergic effects on skin. In simpler terms, the speed and quality of skin’s growth factors rely on the type of placenta used. The right amount of authentic bio-placenta extract also carries weight to affect its loads of benefits on skin. Hand in hand, combination with other natural active ingredients dictatesthe level of potency and extra advantages that the brand may carry. If your brand of placenta soap falls short in any of these quality parameters, or worse, causing a big dent in your budget, thenmaybe it is time to make a switch.

Think All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula when you want natural skin care for a youthful-looking, fairer skin that’s protected from UV-induced DNA damage. No magic. No expensive experiments. You can be at your most youthful beauty thanks to bio-placenta extract in All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula. True to its commitment to market service expectations, Psalmstre zooms in on what the market wants in placenta soap:

Type of placenta extract

One prominent and extensive Swiss scientific study has proven that placenta extracted from plants is not only similar to human placenta, but in fact contains more protein. It is not surprising that more high quality placenta-containing beauty products such as creams, lotions and soaps rely heavily on bio-placenta extract from plants. Psalmstre’s All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula carries 100% bio-placenta. It contains all five (5) kinds of growth factor, namely, IGF-1, EGF, acid FGF, basic FGF, and VEGF essential in skin regeneration, anti-aging and wound healing.

Combination with other natural active ingredients

  •  Aloe Vera – an ancient beauty essential that soothes and heals skin and prevents it from damage and degradation. Combined with bio-placenta extract in All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula, you get twice the potency to heal skin wounds and protect it from degradation. 

  • Virgin Coconut Oil – known to provide protection against harmful UV rays, rejuvenates skin and prevents it from sagging. It is also effective in eliminating age spots and in promoting overall health of the skin. Added to bio-placenta extract, which scientific studies have proven to slow down signs of skin aging by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this combination alone ensures youthful skin after a few uses. Bio-placenta in All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula promotes fibroblast growth, a type of cell that synthesizes the restructure of collagen fibres in skin. Without collagen, skin loses its elasticity and translucence, making skin appear very dull, old and saggy. All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula contains just the right amount of bio-placenta combined with VCO to allow deep penetration into layers of skin for quick and effective skin cell repair and rejuvenation.

  • Vitamin E–an effective anti-oxidant, it fights free radicals to keep cells healthy and able to regenerate giving you a healthy, glowing skin. Added to bio-placenta in Psalmstre’s All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula make a powerful double anti-oxidant needed to fight photo aging, a major culprit in skin degeneration. 

  • Papaya – enzymes from papaya are known to be effective in skin exfoliation to reveal a younger-looking skin and safe skin whitening property. Teamed up with bio-placenta provides double and faster-acting younger-looking and fairer skin. The combined ingredients allow skin to retain water needed to maintain moisture and relieve skin of dryness. Bio-placenta also manages skin’s capillary vessels for better blood circulation leaving your skin plump and with a healthy glow.

  • Goat’s Milk – naturally contains alpha-hydroxyl acids that soften and moisturize skin to supple smoothness. While it does its natural wonders to the skin, when combined with bio-placenta extract in All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula, skin rejuvenation is achieved at a faster rate.

Effectiveness and safety

The advantage of a corporate name that leaves a good impression says much about product effectiveness and safety. When one hears of Psalmstre, one is reminded of home grown brands that promote natural beauty and proper skin care. The fusion of science and Psalmstre’s passion for consumer beauty needs has led to numerous national recognition and awards for product excellence. Bearing BFAD’s seal of approval for product safety, it also enjoys the trust given by the Philippine Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Inc. making  Psalmstre its official partner in several scientific lectures and workshop trainings in close coordination with PAAAMI officers.

Reasonably priced

In pricing comparison with other brands vis-à-vis product features and benefits, All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula is a wise buy. For one thing, it is a home grown brand which means only select raw materials are imported due to availability issue and to ensure the highest quality of ingredients. Locally manufactured, All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula does not pass on to consumers the cost of tariff imposed on finished products. Secondly, the ingenuity of determining the most apt combination of marketing and advertising tools allows keeping the product reasonably priced. And most importantly, Psalmstre’s product benefits far outweigh the retail price of the product.
For all natural beauty enthusiasts, know what is best for you. Listen, see, and feel what your skin needs. Experience world-class beauty with Psalmstre’s newest pride, All New Advanced Placenta Care Formula, soon to grace the shelves of local and international beauty retail stores.

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